I know you want to know how I made this flower. Here is my My Flower brief tutorial. This is what I'm using to make the flowers and I add more beads to make the pendant hook or I attach them to earwires.
I love to make flowers with 5 petals. They means more than those that have 6 because they means "life". I hope these steps will be clear and easy for you to understand.
I used 5 flat shell beads. This design needs this kind of flat shell beads top drilled. The size of the petals will give the size of the final flower. Of course would be nice if you try to make it with another kind of bead.
Check this page to find the shells:

You will aslo need 10 -4mm- beads ( I used silver ) and 20 -3mm- seed beads (brown).
For the center of the flower you will need 1 -8mm- bead.
And you will need also nylon or soft wire, not more than 80 cm.
Ok, Good luck and thank you for your message!!