This is one of the seven projects that Rio Rewards PMC Certification Program designed to demonstrate the wide range of possibilities of PMC (Precious Metal Clay).
This project uses 8 techniques:
- Creating an organic form
- Work with Geometric precision.
- Assemble dry PMC.
- Work on a Hollow form.
- Carve dry PMC.
- Make and use a rubber mold.
- Make my own slip.
- Apply liver of sulfur.
Hollow beads out of metal clay is a great way to use less material but not for that reason your bead will be less expensive or with less price to the market.
My way to make the hollow beads is without any organic form helping.
I just shape the form with my hand and let the clay dry on a surface with the shape I want, and then I solder with slip the two parts to make the bead.
I don’t like to use a mold to make the design. I love to make my own designs. If I use a mold, then I carve a lot on the design to change the way it looks and I also add extra small things to complement the design, so my piece will not look similar that another.
I hope you like it. Thank for coming.