
Monday, October 28, 2013


Lets start letting you know that I am a proud mom of a soldier. It is sad every time that he leaves to be deployed to different places but I understand that it is what he wanted to do and I am here supporting him.

I was designing some layers with bracelets and he showed me many survival bracelets that he have been doing. Every one with a different touch and very pretty. I took the first one he made and complemented my layers.
I designed the other bracelets with Beadalon wire, a beautiful wrapper curved heart, sequins and part of a damaged clothes that I found once.
My theme: Love and Proud of a Soldier.

Any question about how to make them please ask here.
Franchezka Westwood

LAYERING BRACELETS by Franchezka Westwood Featuring Beadalon

What a great idea!! I love layers with chains, pearls, earrings (why not), and I decided to make one with bracelets. To make my design I decided to focus in a theme. I will make my layers for a cause, an important cause that have been touching my life in one or another way: SPECIAL NEEDS KIDS.

I worked with TRANSITIONS. They were a group of special needs kids that made jewelry with papers beads crafted by them and ceramic pieces. The money they received helped them to pay for their bills.

I created this bracelets with Beadalon German Wire and Beadalon Artistic Wire as a base in my designs,  an accent,  a focal design and a security point.
I will post the wire I used to make each bracelet for your help.



Any question about wires? Please ask me.
Franchezka Westwood


One of the new success and a great one is that now I belong to BEADALON DESIGNERS TEAM. Soon my picture is going to be there :) if is not already :) Hello everybody. I know that I have not been writting from a while. I let Facebook to be the lider in my life but here I am returning to my friends, my students and my followers. I decided to show ways to do my jewelry, to share step by step tutorials and showing today the jewelry that I am designing and creating. I want to share the products I use, The products I like and the ones that are really important for me. This is a short HELLO FRIENDS, and here we go again.